Our clients discover very early on that we truly understand what it means to be living with ADHD. We know you are hard working and well intended. Working with us you will finally be able to realize your true potential, and it will not be as hard as you think to achieve. No longer will you feel that you are a disapointment to others and yourself. You deserve the quality of life you have always hoped for, and we can help you get there.
Workshops and Presentations:
August 17th at 11:30AM Chanel 3 WKYC
Golden Opportunities
Adult ADHD
August 27th at 1PM Get It Together Girl! Radio
October 23rd at 1PM 2014 COSE Convention
Kalahari Resorts & Convention Center, Sandusky
AHDH In The Workplace: Unwrap the Gifts!
What does ADHD Strong mean?
25% Discount on Workshops
>Mention how you learned of Coach Saul upon initial contact
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